Vegetables & Fruits
In a time when purchased fruits and vegetables can be contaminated, genetically modified and more often than not low in nutrients growing your own produce makes more sense than ever.
By balancing the soil nutrients, see High Brix and Soil Testing, plants are able to absorb the full spectrum of nutrients and micro nutrients in a biologically available form. Having these building blocks they can create nutrient dense produce which in turn when eaten by you and your family provides the recipient with the energy and nutrients to maintain a health body.
Home grown fruits and vegetables that are provided with the correct growing conditions are high in vitamins, properly formed amino acids, calcium, enzymes, sterols, essential oils and antioxidants. Poorly grown produce lacks these essential components and are often high in nitrates and pesticides.
Eating these poor quality vegetables and fruits provides little or no health benefits. Eating highly nutritious produce rewards you not only with delicious sweet tasting produce but with the building blocks and energy reserves for maintaining good health. The sweetness we associate with the best fruits and vegetables is because high carbohydrate/sugar levels go hand in hand with high mineral content in a plant. So if you want to start enjoying the benefits of nutrient dense food in the Olympia area and the Puget Sound contact Contemporary Landscaping.
These mineral rich carbohydrates add more than taste to the food, they provide the energy required for many digestive enzymes to work properly. Also the full spectrum of minerals available, specifically calcium, are critical for the liver to performs its function of creating adequate full strength gastric juices needed for proper digestion. Poor digestion reduces the absorption of calcium creating a negative feed back loop.
Calcium's critical role in our health and the great benefits of its abundance in well nurtured home grown, or farm grown, produce is worth expanding upon.