High Brix
Brix is the carbohydrate content of an aqueous solution. It was used by Dr Carey Ream as a measure of a plants health and of the quality of fruits and vegetables.
One degree brix as measured on a refractometer is equal to one percent sugar.
Dr Reams showed that the higher the carbohydrate level in plant sap, or the juice from fruits and vegetables, the higher the mineral content, the oil content and the quality of the proteins contained within the plant.
He also showed that the higher the mineral content of food he provided to his patients the less health issues they had. This is why he came to teach that
"All disease is the result of mineral deficiency"
The relationship between sugar content and mineral content is why we are drawn to sweet tasting fruit and vegetables over bland ones. And why eating a moderate portion of good tasting/quality food can satisfy ones appetite when eating large quantities of mineral deficient food will not.
Healthy plants, and specifically those deliberately grown to raise their brix level, will have a strong immune system, defending themselves from insect and disease pressure.
Plants grown with no regard to soil biology and the full spectrum of needs of the plant, will have to resort to chemical sprays and synthetic fertilizers to stop the insects and microorganisms doing their job, which is to remove weak specimens.
Fruits and vegetables grown to have elevated brix levels will be highly nutritious, with excellent quantity and quality of; minerals, vitamins, proteins, enzymes, antioxidants, carbohydrates, calcium and oils. Such food aids digestion and provides the building blocks for good health. So if you want to raise your brix levels in the Olympia area and throughout the Puget Sound give us a call.
