Soil Testing
At Contemporary Landscaping we understand that properly balanced soil is the key to healthy abundant gardens that do not require the use of dangerous chemicals.
We provide a full spectrum of soil testing and subsequent soil amending that creates a balanced environment that is rich in minerals and teeming with beneficial soil microbes.
If your landscape is unhealthy or under performing it is time to test the soil. Correcting nutrient deficiencies or excesses in your soil whilst restoring a diverse soil ecosystem will lead to naturally healthy and productive plants, lawns, fruits and vegetables.
Plants will glow with vigor and your home grown food will be packed with nutrients. We help Olympia and the Puget Sound get the most from their soil through testing and experience.
We come and take soil samples at the appropriate locations and depth for the plants being grown. This soil is tested and we analyze the results to create a tailored fertility program that perfectly feeds the plants and the soil without any negative effects on the environment.
Having established a full spectrum of nutrients and a developed soil food web to make them biologically available to the plants your garden is not only more vibrant but more self sustaining.
An accurate picture of your soils existing structure is required to tailor a fertility program.
The procedure we utilize is called a weak acid test. Unlike the commonly used strong acid test, our test shows what the plant can actually utilize in the soil, as opposed to everything that a strong acid can extract from a soil but that a plant can not.
The weak acid test, by simulating what nutrients are available to plants through their practice of releasing a mild acid in their roots exudates, shows us what elements the plant is actually missing, or being overburdened with.
This allows us to recognize nutrients that would otherwise be shown as present in the soil according to regular testing, but that are not actually usable by the plant. These nutrients can then be supplied, or even better, be made available for the plants by activating the soil microbes.