Plays a major role in the regulation of water in plants, both its intake through the roots and its loss through the stomata.
It is required by the plant for both protein and starch synthesis. It is important in activating enzymes both for photosynthesis and energy production.
Fruit size and quantity are dependent on potassium levels.
Is needed in different protein and enzyme complexes and can aid the utilization of available calcium.
The pH number is a measure of the amount of either acidity or alkalinity present in a substance
Maximum nutrient uptake occurs between pH 6-7, extremes in pH can indicate problems with the soil food web.
Testing will indicate if sodium levels are getting to high. Levels above 70 parts per million will start to negatively effect the health of the soil and plant growth.
It is a key component of a number of enzymes that are critical for overall plant health as well as being necessary for chlorophyll production.
Carbohydrate and protein metabolism have been shown to utilize copper
Only needed in trace amounts but is required in a number of essential plant enzymes and for protein production.
Is primarily composed of humic acids and is the end result of the complete composting of organic matter in the soil.
A healthy humus content in the soil provides a buffering effect, increasing the availability of nutrients over a wider pH range.
Humus attracts and holds water reducing the need for watering.
Formazan (if performed)
This test measures the microbial activity in the soil. Microbial activity is critical in organic and sustainable gardening that never depends on highly soluble salts to provide plant nutrition.
A high formazan test directly correlates to carbon dioxide production and nitrification potential, i.e. a high reading shows the soil has the capacity to process organic inputs.
Plants need nitrogen to make proteins and amino acids which in turn are essential for all plant enzymes and the protoplasm that drives cell division and plant growth.
Nitrogen is needed for RNA and DNA production and in the functioning of photosynthesis.
Testing measures Nitrate nitrogen and Ammonia nitrogen. Depending on the stage of plant growth and the requirement for vegetative or flowering/fruiting growth determines the required balance between the two forms.
Plays an important role in the formation of chlorophyll and in photosynthesis. It is both a constituent of enzymes and an activator.
It is necessary for the uptake and transportation of phosphorus in the plant and the synthesis of amino acids and proteins.
Energy released per gram of soil as measured in microsiemens.
This gives a measure of energy in the soil available to soil organisms and plants for growth. A low number and growth will slow, to high a number and growth will be negatively effected.
Oxygen Reduction Potential (ORP)
The ORP reading measures the available oxygen in the soil, its quantity in a soil relative to its pH gives us a redox value.
If the redox is to low it indicates there will be a lack of microbial activity. If it is to high that organic matter is being wasted through oxidation.
Calcium is needed to transport nutrients in and out of cells but to do this boron must be present in trace amounts. In fact levels above 5 parts per million may be detrimental.
It is necessary for proper cell division and cell wall formation.
C.E.C. Test (if performed)
In relation to a Reams soil test the Cation Exchange Capacity (C.E.C) and Base Saturation Test is showing the total (readily available and tied up) amount of a nutrient in the soil. This lets us know if we have issues with nutrients being present but not accessible for the plant.
C.E.C is a measure of a soils ability to hold and release nutrients. The Base Saturation %, as proposed by Dr William Albrecht, shows what positively charged nutrients in what % are occupying the negatively charged sites on the soil particles. The test results compare these findings to ideal proportions calculated by Albrecht.
The relevance of positively charged nutrient ions (cations) and negatively charged nutrient ions (anions) is discussed in high brix