Soil Testing Services


One of the first things we recommend when building a new garden or restoring an unhealthy one is a soil test. We collect soil samples from the relevant areas, whether that be existing soil and the source of new top soil for a newly built garden, lawn, orchard or vegetable patch, or from existing beds and lawns from established landscapes.

These tests will show us information, impossible to determine by any other means, that will effect the future health of your plants and show what landscapes that are under performing require. Soil testing is particularly popular for food growing areas where people want the most nutritious chemical free food for their family.

Garden Health Soil Test

Tests for: Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Nitrate Nitrogen, Ammonia Nitrogen, Sodium, Ergs, Orp, pH, Humus, Trace Minerals. Recommendations based on test results. Included in a garden consultation   

Cation Exchange Capacity and Base Saturation

Available Phosphorous (Bray 1, Olsen)  exchangeable Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium and base saturation's. pH and Organic Matter.  Additional $25.00 to garden consultation.


Recommended at least for the initial test, growers generally test boron levels annually. Additional $10.00 to garden consultation.  



Due to its importance as a catalyst in soil and plant chemistry it is recommended to have a sulfate test. Additional $10.00 to garden consultation.


Testing the microbial activity of a soil. Additional $25.00 to garden consultation.