High Brix Continued



A refractometer measures the amount of dissolved solids in a liquid, predominantly sugars and minerals, by recording the degree to which light  passing through the liquid is refracted.

Samples to be tested are extracted from the sap in leaves and stems, or from the juice from fruits and vegetables. Reams produced a chart for fruits and vegetables showing the relative brix reading for low, medium and high quality nutrient dense produce. 

The same testing can be performed on any plant to show whether alterations to the growing conditions have generated the desired improvement in plant health using a before and after test.

We have previously covered how calcium and phosphate play leading roles in, generating energy for plants to use, and bringing other nutrients into the plant, respectively. A plant grown in such conditions will produce productive leaves, the food factory for the plant.

Phosphate colloids, see soft rock phosphate, are very beneficial in carbohydrate formation, by bringing mineral colloids into the chloroplasts. The mineral sugars created by this photosynthesis, and that are measured in a brix reading, move down to the roots.

Here they are responsible for picking up other minerals, which are also recorded in elevated refractometer results, creating nutrient dense plants/food.   

High brix plants have lower freezing points so they will be more resistant to frost damage extending your growing season and protecting fruits and vegetables from spoiling. They will also resist insect attack as their sap becomes unpalatable to an insects digestive system.

 Potassium is usually in abundance in soil especially cultivated garden soil. If it is lacking it can be added through compost. But potassium's role in achieving high brix is usually in not allowing its levels to get to high, specifically in proportion to phosphate.


Nitrogen, being the primary electrolyte in the soil and the plant, needs to be present in the right amounts and forms for optimum health.  Its capacity to bond nucleic acids and amino acids and form proteins is critical to all life.

In the soil nitrogen appears to be central in directing mineral ions into the plant. It can be applied to the soil as composted manure or in small amounts in a non organic form. In a nitrate form, anionic, it will encourage vegetative growth when needed. Whilst in its ammonia form, cationic, it will encourage flowering and fruiting.

Nitrogen's ability to direct the energy flow in plants can be used to increase brix readings when correctly used. This will be further discussed in its use in            Foliar Spraying   &    Fertigation.

Sulfur, like nitrogen, when carefully applied in the right situations is very useful for increasing plant health and raising brix. 

It is a strong cationic substance and will react with anions, specifically calcium that should be readily available. This interaction raises soil energy and is particularly useful in the Pacific North West, where it can be utilized to keep soil energy from dropping to  a level that plant growth is effected in our long wet springs. 

Manganese as with all the trace minerals listed on a soil test and the dozens that are not generally included all play their role in optimal plant health. To much or to little will effect some aspect of the plants functioning and will lower a brix reading. Keeping them in the ranges tested by Dr Reams has been shown to raise brix.