Fertigation is the application of nutrients, trace elements and beneficial soil microbes through the irrigation system. Fertigation can accurately apply the exact quantity of product to a specific irrigation zone in amounts appropriate for the plants immediate needs. This avoids the loss of excessive fertilizer, especially nitrogen, into ground water. Repeat applications can keep a landscape growing at a steady rate avoiding a "boom and bust" cycle associated with highly concentrated salt based fertilizers. We have installed fertigators in the Olympia area and further afield for small vegetable gardens up to large acreages.
The formulation of a fertigation application goes hand in hand with our soil testing, soil mineralization and strengthening of the soil food web. Without knowing what is deficient, as well as what is in excess in a soil, any form of fertilizing may do more harm than good. Having established a base fertility level for an area ammendments are added to the soil to correct shortfalls in nutrients, soil energy and soil food web health. A fertigation program then dove tails in with these applications to take care of the finer details, especially in critical micro nutrients, and to sustain all major nutrients, soil energy (ERGS) and microbes at optimum levels. It is important to emphasize though, that a plants ability to utilize a foliar spray and its capacity to absorb nutrients from the air are governed by the balance of the soil it is growing in. In a nut shell good soil equates to good mineral uptake which creates greater magnetic force within the plant to attract foliar and air borne nutrients.
Having added the major ammendments directly to the soil, fertigation is used to maintain a landsapes vigor throughout the season. By adjusting nutrient and energy levels during the season flowering and fruiting can be promoted and plants under environmental stress can be assisted.
Being able to supply plants and the soil food web with the amendments they require for different growth stages and for different weather conditions ensures the healthiest garden without polluting water sources.